Scouting Data Good Practice Guide

Managing our members data and communications

Operationally adult volunteers handle or come into possession of personal data which we are legally required to handle in line with the laws on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in line with our District Data Privacy Policy. Volunteers working within Scout Groups within Horsham District may be subject to similar group specific arrangements.

To support this Horsham District Volunteers are supplied with a District Digital Toolkit to both make compliance easier as well as support data subjects legitimate access requests.

Online Communication

Guidance on how to communicate safely in through email and other social media channels can be found at

Personal/Work Email Accounts

Try to have a separate email account for your Scouting communications, rather than using a personal or work one. Not doing so can add significant complexity to dealing with a data breach or a subject access request.

District Volunteers should only use email addresses available from the Digital and Media Team.

Group Volunteers are subject to Group arrangements and should contact there GLV for guidance.

Public Website or Social Media

Ensuring that you both have permission to share information and that you consider how the information shared could be used.

Member Records

Where best to hold members Personal Data?

Youth Members

West Sussex Scouts funds the use of Online Scout Manager for all sections in West Sussex. OSM not only provides a secure GDPR compliant system but also ensures that a youth members records can kept up to date and be transferred to the next section.

Adult Volunteers

Members records are required to be held on the When downloading data, care and consideration in respect to where, why and how long the data will be held.

Other Documents

It is recommended that all documents or information downloaded is held securely within an approved secure repository such as Teams or Onedrive.

Personal information should never be held locally on personal or work computers.

The use of paper records should be minimised, but where unavoidable. must be held securely under arrangements approved by the Trustee board.

Further Help and Support

A course Data Protection in Scouts can be found at and should be used as a background to this guide.

For other enquires contact the District Data Lead if you need additional support and guidance on the management of your Scouting data.

Directory Listing for Position: Data Lead

Name Email Team
Data Lead Send A MessageDistrict Leadership