District Volunteering Development Team

The District Volunteering Development Team makes sure all volunteers in their District have a positive and enjoyable volunteering experience.

Welcome our volunteers

Attract and welcome new volunteers to District and Group teams.
Hold inductions with Group Lead Volunteers and other Group and District Leadership Team Members.

Support our volunteers

Support all District teams (including Group Lead Volunteers) to follow our approach to equity, diversity and inclusionsafer volunteer recruitment, joining, reviews, and processes for leaving Scouts.

Help and encourage Team Leaders (including Group Lead Volunteers) to have regular reviews with volunteers in their teams.

Volunteer Learning

Help volunteers and Young Leaders find and engage in opportunities for learning and development.
Coordinate Scouts learning that needs to be delivered by an accredited Trainer – including organising and supporting the Trainers.
Set up learning opportunities with external organisations.

Recognise volunteers

Recognise and appreciate volunteers for their brilliant work, formally and informally.

You can find out more about the role of the District Volunteering Development team at scouts.org.uk  

Team: District Volunteering Development

PositionName Email
District Volunteering Development Lead
District Volunteering Development Lead Send A Message
Learning Send A Message